PCNL Ameliyatı Nedir?
It is the process of turning the large stones in the kidney into small pieces and taking them out through a tube that opens to the kidney.
How is PCNL Surgery Performed?
It is performed under general anesthesia. First, a catheter is sent through the urinary tract in the bladder to the kidney where the stone is located by entering the patient’s urinary canal with a camera. Then, the chambers in the kidney are displayed with the opaque colored liquid given through this catheter. The patient is placed in the supine or supine position and a tube extending to the chamber in the kidney is placed by making the first 1 cm incision from the relevant skin area. Through this tube, the stones in the kidney are shattered by entering with the device we call nephroscope and taken out in special tools.
Who are the Patients Suitable for PCNLA Surgery?
It is a gold standard surgery especially in the removal of stones of 2 cm and above in the kidney.
What is the Hospitalization and Process After PCNL Surgery?
After the surgery, patients are followed up with a tube placed along the tunnel opened in the kidney, which we call urinary catheter and nephrostomy. The nephrostomy tube is removed on the 2nd postoperative day. If the patient does not develop pain and if there is no problem in urine output, the patients are discharged.
What are the Main Advantages and Disadvantages of PCNL Surgery?
It allows complete removal of large stones in one session. Pain and bleeding are less than open surgery. The most important risk is the risk of bleeding despite the opening of a controlled tunnel in the kidney tissue, which bleeds too much. This risk is minimized in experienced hands.
What are the Types of PCNL Surgery? Which Devices Are Used in Stone Crushing?
PCNL surgery is performed with a device called a nephroscope as standard. In recent years, miniaturization has occurred in nephroscopy devices. We can perform surgeries with less side effects and damage by opening small tunnels in the kidney with very thin tools. Although pneumatic systems, called pneumatics, are most commonly used to break stones, ultrasonic and laser can also be preferred.
In Which Cases Is PCNL Surgery Not Performed?
PCNL surgery is not performed in patients who have infection in the skin area and urinary tract, and whose blood thinning medication cannot be discontinued, but postponed.
What Should Be Considered After PCNLA Surgery?
Patients should drink plenty of water after surgery. If a D-J stent is inserted, frequent urination, feeling of urine, bleeding in the urine may occur. Medical treatments other than drinking plenty of water can be given to patients to reduce these symptoms.